keep up with me while I'm volunteering with Healing Hands for Haiti in Port-au-Prince!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 34: Culture & Clinic...

This weekend was actually pretty low key, which was really nice! On Saturday, a few of us decided to go to the annual artisan festival called "Artisanat en Fete" - basically "Craft Celebration". It was really amazing to see some of the artwork and sculptures that people brought to sell. There were over 100 vendors all selling different things, from paintings and sculptures to jewelry and food. It was really fun to haggle prices and watch people get into "arguments" about the lowest price. Here are some of the quick pictures I took...

cool metal sculpture of haiti on the right

beautiful metal art!
loved these paintings
there were so many people there!


Clinic has been pretty steady, which I'm really enjoying. This has been such a challenging and eye-opening experience as a new therapist - I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left here! It'll be really difficult to transition back home to the American model of therapy. Here are some pictures of the clinic after we re-arranged...
much more open, with one of my cute little pedi kids in the background!
i spend my days chasing children...
view from the other end of clinic
Clerge and one of our little babes on the stairs

That's all for now - happy Monday everyone! 


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