keep up with me while I'm volunteering with Healing Hands for Haiti in Port-au-Prince!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 29: Haitian Holiday...

Things have been super busy around here the past few days, both at the guest house and at clinic. On Monday, a team of 9 or 10 people from Canada came in - they're all audiologists, speech pathologists, and neuropsychologists. Needless to say, the house has been louder! It's pretty cool having new people constantly coming and going. Clinic has been busy too, because one of our therapy techs is spending the next 2 weeks doing speech therapy. Woohoo!

Today was Dessalines Day, which is a national holiday commemorating the death of one of Haiti's past presidents. It meant that clinic was closed and I had a free day! I spent the morning reading, then tagged along on a trip to the grocery store. While we were at the store, we got a call from Alise asking if I wanted to come to the mountains for the afternoon with her husband and son - she came and picked me & Lissette up at the grocery store!

Our first stop was a Baptist mission part of the way up the mountain. It had a museum and nice grounds that we wandered around for a bit.

Yakine playing the drums in the museum


From there we continued our drive up the mountain into the town of Kenscoff. We stopped & parked in a pretty small village that was packed with people selling things and just hanging out on the sidewalk. Alise & Stephan introduced Lissette and I to street food for the first time! Also to passion fruit moonshine...

a bunch of stores on the way up to Kenscoff


We drove a bit further up the mountain with our plate of food until we found a good picnic spot. We had pork, plantains, sweet potatoes, some kind of fried dough, some other kind of vegetable, and their spicy version of cole slaw called pikliz.

Yakine getting excited for our feast!

our picnic spot!

Yakine & Stephan checking out the horse that came to visit...Yakine was not too sure about him.

our little snail friend that decided to attach himself to Alise's jeans haha

After stuffing ourselves full of delicious Haitian food and moonshine, we decided we needed some dessert! Luckily there were some blackberry bushes very close by...

on the hunt for some berries

he LOVED them

We walked around for a little while just checking out the scenery...

sad cow on the side of the hill

what a cutie

stopped on the side of the road to buy some fresh produce

beautiful farms heading back down the mountain

We even managed to stop for some ice cream on the way home!! All in all, a great day off. I'm so thankful for people like Alise and Stephan that are willing to show me more of this beautiful country.


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